Monday, October 28, 2019

Editing Blog

Today was the day to edit for our commercial. I had some issues with the computer. Our computers are very slow, outdated, had confusion with logging into Pinnacle Studios. There was already footage of another group in our computer. Since we have dumped our footage in the computer we will now start editing. The software Pinnacle Studios is very helpful for our commercial. It allows us to quickly access tools we need to perfect our video. Pinnacle Studios is already installed in the schools Media Studies computers. The software needs a username and password to be logged into. We didn't know the password or username, so one of our teachers had to come over and log on for us. 

Most of the time, we were frustrated because we were confused. We expected the editing process to be easier, since when it was described to us it seemed simple. Hopefully after more use of the editing software it will become easier for us. I am expecting more practice on editing with our teacher. We are still not sure if we should delete it or just continue with our editing and disregarding it. We transferred our footage and started to edit. There was much we had to cut out to make the commercial 30 seconds. We had some confusion on adding text onto the clips we wanted. We are planning on adding motivational music to make it like a real Nike commercial. It is important for us to make this as best as we can to get a high grade. Since this is our first video our group has edited we will try to research more on how to edit. 

 My main emotion is frustration. I came into class expecting to get ahead of everyone because some groups still had to film. That idea was out the door due to all of the complications. I am hoping that next class we get to edit again so we are given more time. I do think we will be given two days for this because we were given two days for the filming process. As a self reflection I wish I would be given more time and more guidance. My group and I will definitely finish editing next class. When I all go home tonight I am going to research more on Pinnacle Studios. I'm going to figure out my problems and watch videos on how to fix them. I pray that next class our computers work smoothly. 

Friday, October 25, 2019

Filming Blog

   My group filmed our Nike commercial. To start, we had to first sign out the camera, tripod, and SD card. After doing so, we referred to our storyboard, and decided to begin filming on the stairs. For this clip, I recorded using the camera while one of my group mates ran up the stairs. We filmed this scene about four times to be sure we got the right one. After this, we filmed a scene of me hitting a volleyball against a wall. One of my other group mates recorded this clip. We filmed this scene about three times. In between some clips, I carried the camera inside the camera bag.
   Next, we moved to the patio to film another clip. In this clip, two of my group mates and I walked down the patio. Our other group member recorded this scene. We filmed this scene around five or six times. After this, we walked out to the track field. I filmed this scene, while one of my group mates ran down the track. In the background of this shot, a member of our group played soccer. We filmed this scene three times. While still on the track, I filmed a clip of all of the Nike shoes we used in our commercial. We then walked back to our classroom.
   When we came back to our classroom, we took the SD card out of the camera. We waited for an SD card reader to be available to use. Once one was available, I put the SD card into the reader. My group mate plugged it into the computer. We then created a file, and dumped all of our footage from the SD card into the file on the desktop. After doing that, my group mate returned the camera, SD card, and tripod. We did not use the tripod. I then gave the sign out sheet back to our teacher. I also gave the SD card reader to another group who needed to use it. Next class, we will be editing our commercial.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Storyboard Blog

10/22 Today we planned out our storyboard. We have our commercial planned out and ready for filming. For the first scene we want to start with a stop watch which will eventually lead up to a person in our group running with Nike shoes with an extreme close up. We will then include low angles to transition into the shoes while thy are running up the stairs. Next another person will be running around the track with a long shot, pan, and transition into the shoes. We will have other clips like another member playing volleyball and walking through the halls while all ending up in shoe transitions. At the end of the commercial we will have the Nike symbol at the end

Monday, October 14, 2019

Editing Lesson Blog

   Today, we learned about the procedures of using our cameras and editing the footage taken. I learned that in order to get the footage onto a computer, you must use the SD card reader and make a folder to place all your footage. You then dump the footage into the folder created on the desktop. Dumping the footage means taking it from the camera and placing it onto the computer in order to edit. Once all of the footage is dumped into the folder, it is ready to be edited. We then import the footage from the folder into the editing software, Pinnacle Studios.
   To delete a portion of a clip that is unwanted, you place the red bar over the clip you want to cut. Then, you click the razor blade icon, which splits the clip. You then click the cut part of the clip that is unwanted, and press delete. If you end up wanting the cut part of the clip back, you press the back arrow, or edit, then undo. We learned how to add transitions into our clips as well. To do so, we right click on the clip we want to add a transition to, open effects trailer, click "transitions in", and add transitions to the clip as wanted. To add a title to a clip, you press the "T" icon, and add the title to wherever it is wanted in the clip. The title must be moved to the first track so that it isn't hidden by the footage, which is on the second track.
   To add music, it must be imported into the folder in MP3 form. It is then imported into Pinnacle Studios. The music should be dragged onto the track underneath the footage. To remove the original sound from the footage, you right click on the sound wave icon on the footage, detach the audio from the clip, and delete it. To save all changes made to the edited footage, you press file, then save movie as, save to desktop, save to folder, then press save one last time. To export the final edited product, you click export, settings, make it a MPEG4, in full size best quality, then click start export, save as, then finally save to original folder on the desktop.

Thursday, October 10, 2019

Planning Blog For Nike Commercial

10/10 Today we will be going over the planning portion of our commercial. We will set up things we need. For example, our props, costumes, schedule, location list, and our back up plan. Each person in our group is planning on contributing something towards our commercial project. An idea for our project is a view of different Nike apparel in different scenes. Our commercial will be very diverse in clothing. For our back-up plan if someone doesn't show up then we will either have a back-up actor or just have one person do everything. Some scenes we will use are the main stairs, the huge wall next to the stairs, and the track field. A back-up scene could be the gym

  • Nike Shoes
  • Nike Apparel
  • Hurdles
  • Stairs
  • Volleyball
  • A water bottle

  • Monday, October 14th- storyboard titled planning 
  • Tuesday, October 22nd- filming and blogging process
  • Thursday, October 24th- editing and blogging process
  • Wednesday, October 30th- critical reflection questions


  • Nike sweatshirts
  • Nike t-shirt
  • Different Nike sneakers
  • Nike Air Force 1's
  • Athletic pants 
  • Nike headband
  • Athletic tops 
  • Track
  • Media Center Stairs
  • Wall near Stairs
Back Up Plan:
  • Gym as a backup location if it is raining instead of track field
  • If someone is absent, another group member will just take their place in the scene
  • If multiple people in group are absent, one person can be in all scenes

Monday, October 7, 2019

Research Conventions and Codes

Our commercial will be about the clothing brand Nike. We want to focus on the shoe portion of the brand and ways it can help in sports. Technical codes are connotations that we make when we look at films and photographs. For the technical codes we will focus on bright lighting, quick editing, music for the audio background, and camera angles we learned in the class. Symbolic codes are social in nature. For the symbolic codes our setting will be in the school, we will have props such as athletic wear such as uniforms as our costumes and any type of shoes used in these sports. Some of the shoes that will be shown will come from sports such as basketball, soccer, track, and regular lifestyle street wear. 
    We chose this production because it's an everyday product we use and everyone in our group all partake in some certain athletic activity. We want to persuade the people watching our commercial to go out and purchase our product. This will benefit us because when it comes down to prop all of us have something from Nike that we can contribute to the commercial so we don't have to focus on a budget or going out and looking for more products. Our unique advantage is that we are students who are trying to grab the attention from other people like us because we know at this day and age we are all working hard to either enjoy in a sport or make ourselves look better to feel better. 

Sunday, October 6, 2019


   Hi, Im Jordyn. Welcome to my blog! To get things started, let me tell you about what I like. First of all, I love volleyball. I have done many sports in my life, but volleyball is by far my favorite. I have been playing it for over 8 years. I am a right-side hitter. Playing volleyball makes me really happy, and it is one of the things I enjoy most. I also love art. Especially painting. I have been doing art since I was very young, and it has always been something that has stuck with me. I don't plan on pursuing art as a career, but it is something I do often in my free time. I don't have a specific type of painting style I like to do, I just kind of paint whatever idea comes to mind in that moment.
   Even though there are many more things that I like that I did not mention, let's talk about some of the things that I don't like. For starters, I don't particularly like homework. Sometimes it doesn't really bother me, but usually it is definitely not something I enjoy. But, I understand why I have to do it, and even though I don't like it, I still do my homework to maintain good grades. Another thing I dislike are chores. I don't mind cleaning, until I'm told to do it. For some reason, once I am told to do the dishes or to clean my room, I don't want to do it anymore. Even if I was planning on doing it.
   Now, how about I talk about my classes. I actually like most of my classes this year. My first class is Spanish 2. I enjoy Spanish 2, and it is one of my easier classes. I have always found Spanish class to be kind of easy for me because I am able to pick up on the language relatively quick. My second class is Algebra 2. I don't really enjoy Algebra 2, but I am pretty good at it. I've always been good at math, even though I don't always like it. My third class is Chemistry Honors. I actually find Chemistry to be one of my more difficult classes, but it is still interesting to me. My fourth- and favorite- class is Criminal Justice 2. I want to go into Law Enforcement when I am older, and I find everything about Criminal Justice is extremely fascinating. My fifth class is AICE Media Studies. I like Media Studies because I get to learn about film-making and editing. My sixth class is Study Hall, and honestly, there isn't much to say about that class. I mainly catch up on any homework I may have. My seventh class is AICE English. English isn't one of my favorite classes, but I do find it pretty easy. My eighth and final class is AICE European History. European History is probably the hardest class I take, but I do actually enjoy learning about it.